Seaboard Triumph Foods Teams up with The Arena Foundation.

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Seaboard Triumph Foods is proud to announce a new partnership with The Arena Foundation of Sioux City, Iowa.

Through this partnership, STF will fund scholarships for participants in the Arena’s sports activities over the next three years.

“The arena sports academy seeks to develop Siouxland youth athletes both physically and mentally with the goal of building character, creating team players and enriching our community through the values of athletics. We strive to deliver top of the line training through elite coaches, trainers, and world-class facilities.”

STF recognizes the positive impact that team sports can have on the development of youth as they learn teamwork and how to overcome problems.

“At the Arena Foundation, we believe that keeping kids active and involved in sports accomplishes much more than just an opportunity to play a game, it teaches life intangibles that set kids up for future success.” -Dustin Cooper & Mike Hesse, Co-Founders

Started in 2015, the foundation has already reached thousands of youth in the Siouxland community through free programming, educational opportunities, and nutritional supplementation.

To learn more about The Arena Foundation, events, or activities, visit:

Seaboard Triumph Foods